Keeping our practice standards high for you
As health professionals, the team at Middleborough Dental Care is committed to looking after you – and every patient we see – to the very best of our abilities.
That’s not only because we take a lot of pride in being the best family dentist in Box Hill but because we want everyone to feel cared for. How you feel is the most important thing.
You probably don’t think about our training very much, which is perfectly understandable, but we’d like to reassure you that we’re constantly ‘topping up’ our skills because there are always innovations in treatment and new methods and equipment for us to become familiar with.
A good example is when we got our intraoral scanner, which has allowed us to make some adjustments to our check-ups and treatment, making things better and easier for you.
We also regularly brush up on our broader skills, such as when we did some CPR training as part of a first-aid course earlier this year.
We’ve got the accreditation to prove it!
While things were a little quieter during lockdown, we were still looking for ways to improve how we operate the Middleborough Dental practice.
We decided that we should go through the process of getting fully accredited to the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards.
These standards were created to outline the level of care consumers should expect from health service organisations across Australia.
While all public and private hospitals must be fully accredited, it’s voluntary for private dental care providers like us. As a result, less than half of private practices go through the process – after all, it does take some time and effort.
But we’ve done it and we’re very pleased to say that we have been fully accredited!
What the NHQHS Standards accreditation means for you
The primary aims of the NSQHS Standards are to protect the public from harm and to improve the quality of health service provision.
We might confidently say that we offer the highest quality of care, but we might be wrong! Now that an independent assessment has been made, we (and you) can be even more confident that we are operating to the highest standards.
Middleborough Dental Care has been assessed and accredited based on things like:
- The safety and quality of our systems and processes;
- The way we partner with our patients in their care and treatment;
- Our processes for preventing and controlling any healthcare-associated infections;
- How safely we manage our medications;
- The thoroughness of our processes around identifying patients and ensuring they are receiving the right treatment;
- How we work with other healthcare providers (providing and receiving accurate referrals).
Will you notice anything different?
We haven’t actually changed anything because we were already meeting all of the standards. The only difference is that now we know for sure that we’re the leading dental clinic in Box Hill.
You might see our accreditation certificate on display and, if you do, you’ll know what it means.
It means that how we operate has been assessed to the national standards and we tick all the boxes!
Hopefully, that makes you feel even better about coming in to see us.
And if you feel better, so do we 😊
See you soon.