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MDC has your cosmetic dentistry needs covered

As dentists, our primary focus will always be the health of your teeth and gums. Your oral health has an impact on your overall health and wellbeing, and we want your teeth to be strong and healthy and to last a lifetime.

However, we are conscious that most people want their teeth to look good, too. That’s only natural, as most of us feel better about ourselves when we’re happy with our appearance. We wrote about it in this post: Don’t be afraid to smile – the connection between oral health and self esteem.

Changing the appearance of your teeth is often referred to as ‘cosmetic dentistry’, although the more correct term is ‘aesthetic dentistry’. Either way, it’s what we do to make your teeth look better.

Here are some of the things we can do to improve the way your teeth look:

Teeth whitening

This is the most common way people try to improve the appearance of their teeth: removing stains and discolouration to make them whiter and brighter.

As we explained in the post Why teeth whitening is more popular than ever, this is best done in conjunction with a dental professional, as there are risks associated with many of the do-it-yourself treatments available.

At the very least, let us have a look at your teeth and advise you before you decide on what whitening method will work best for you.


If you have one or two teeth that are chipped, discoloured, or standing out from the rest in not the best way, veneers might be the best solution.

Veneers are thin, tooth-coloured porcelain or glass/plastic layers fixed onto the front of your teeth.

Using veneers is sometimes the simplest, least intrusive method of improving the overall look of your teeth.

Dental crowns

If you have a tooth that is broken or has needed substantial filling, due to decay or perhaps root canal work, it will need to be rebuilt to closely resemble how the tooth was before. This is important for the stability of the teeth on either side and opposite it, as well.

This is generally the job of a crown, which is crafted from porcelain or a porcelain/metal combination. In this case, not only does a crown make the tooth look more attractive, it also adds strength, durability, and stability.

If you need a dental crown in Box Hill, Middleborough Dental Care is ready to look after you.

Dental implants

If you have a missing tooth, replacing it with an implant might be an appropriate solution. This is likely to depend on where the gap would be if left ‘unfilled’.

We covered implants in some detail in Why quotes for dental implant surgery vary greatly.

Teeth straightening

Straightening your teeth is likely to be about more than simply appearance – although, of course, that is a consideration. Better aligned teeth are more efficient and having your teeth correctly aligned can prevent the occurrence of other issues.

You might like to read our previous post 8 straight answers to questions about crooked teeth for more information about how we look at this issue and the potential solutions.

We’re here to help

We want what’s best for you, so please don’t hesitate to discuss any issues around how your teeth look or how you’d like them to look.

Whenever considering making a change to your teeth, we have to consider the overall impact of the change to ensure that you get the best long-term result, from both an aesthetic and a health perspective.

Middleborough Dental Care is fully equipped to provide any cosmetic dentistry in Box Hill.

If you would like a specific consultation about something cosmetic, please use our contact form and note the issue in the ‘Comments or Questions’ field.

Otherwise, we can talk about it at your next check-up.

See you soon.
