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Which clear aligners do we use to straighten your teeth?

Remember the old days when you had only two choices: obvious metal braces or crooked teeth?

As with so many things, particularly in dentistry, technology has helped us move forward quite a bit.

While there is still a place for metal braces, most adult patients can experience extremely effective and more discreet teeth-straightening treatment with clear aligners.

At Middleborough Dental Care, we offer three types of clear aligners:

  1. Simple aligners
  2. Suresmile aligners
  3. Invisalign aligners

Why do we realign teeth?

Straightening teeth isn’t only about appearance, important as that might be.

Having misaligned teeth can cause a range of issues, including excessive, premature wear to your teeth and jaw, discomfort, and even TMJ disorder.

Orthodontic treatments – specifically braces and aligners – are available to correct crooked teeth in the most natural, stable way and with minimal maintenance.

When are simple aligners appropriate?

When we’re looking to realign only one or two teeth, a simple aligner can get the job done with minimal intrusion or cost.

You only pay for the number of aligners needed, with the most basic single-tooth treatment starting at $600.

Like all aligners, these need to be fitted specifically for your tooth or teeth and the realignment required.

Is Suresmile different to other clear aligners?

Suresmile is a relatively new brand that offers an extremely comprehensive treatment plan.

Their technology uses some specially developed software and a dental plastic to ensure the aligners are made precisely and fit comfortably.

They’re also easy to remove for eating, drinking, and flossing.

Like other aligners, from the time you receive your first set of Suresmile clear aligners, we have monthly review appointments until your treatment is complete. The cost of the comprehensive package is $4,500.

Invisalign may be a brand you’ve heard of.

Not only has Invisalign been around for more than 20 years it has set a gold standard of innovation in clear aligners that other brands have to try to meet.

Invisalign has also developed a state-of-the-art material (that they call SmartTrack) to be more comfortable and discreet and to straighten teeth predictably.

Their scanning software and treatment plan help us give you treatment that is not only consistent and comprehensive but also tailored. The cost ranges from $4,500 to $7,500.

Which option is right for you?

Dr. Samantha has done extensive training on all types of clear aligners and can assess your needs and explain your options.

In some cases, it’s clear (pun intended) which of the three types is the right one for a particular patient, but at other times we need to spend a bit of time weighing things up.

We will always make sure you understand what we think and why and give you as much information as possible.

How much does treatment cost?

There are two main factors that determine the overall cost of your treatment, although they tend to go hand in hand.

Firstly, it depends on how complex your case is. In other words, how much realignment is needed involving how many teeth and whereabouts in your mouth.

Then, we need to assess how long you’re likely to need the treatment to last. In some cases, you can start to see results within a matter of weeks and the full treatment is finished in around six months, however, sometimes it will take a bit longer.

We’ll only know once we’ve done a full assessment.

Come in and see us with confidence!

While Dr. Samantha is our resident ‘expert’ on clear aligners, all your friendly dentists at Middleborough Dental Care are highly trained and very experienced in helping patients of all ages work through their oral care and dental treatment needs.

We really enjoy taking care of you and knowing that your beautiful smiles will be even happier and healthier!

Meanwhile, all our staff – dentists, dental assistants, and receptionists – have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and we’re continuing to practice all the protocols recommended by the Chief Medical Officer and Department of Health.

Please note that during the current lockdown that’s in place until midnight, September 2nd, we are still open Mondays to Fridays and some Saturdays to provide urgent treatments. You can book online now: