Orthodontics Near Burwood
Orthodontics Burwood
Straighten your teeth with professional orthodontics near Burwood and surrounding areas at Middleborough Dental!
Orthodontic treatment is fast becoming a popular, safe, relatively pain-free, and affordable option for both children and adults to achieve a perfectly straight, consistent, and well-rounded smile.
There are a vast array of reasons to pursue orthodontic treatment near Burwood; psychological benefits such as increased confidence, better self esteem; and the obvious physical benefit of having a better smile.
Malaligned teeth can cause a range of disadvantages in the long term, which can include but not limited to; an abnormal appearance of the face, difficulty or discomfort when chewing or biting, speech impediments such as a lisp, overbites and underbites, as well as straining teeth, jaws and muscles, increasing the risk of breaking a tooth.
One of the most common difficulties with prolonged malaligned teeth however, is the difficulty in keeping teeth consistently clean, increasing the risk of decay, cavities and gingivitis.
At Middleborough Dental, we offer two safe and affordable options for achieving your orthodontic goals:
Braces are small metal or ceramic plates that are attached to your teeth, with a wire that is adjusted over a period of time in order to straighten and position crowded or crooked teeth in regards to one’s bite, or to realign a misaligned jaw.
The length in which braces stay can vary between person to person; particularly between children and adults; however treatment is generally between one to three years.
Invisalign has become a more popular option and alternative to braces, as no metal or ceramic braces or wires are needed to be installed.
Invisalign, as its name suggests (invisible), is made out of a clear, smooth and durable plastic that is moulded to your teeth and regularly adjusted in order to perform everything that traditional braces can do; such as straightening crowded or crooked teeth, and much more.
The biggest advantage to Invisalign treatment, as opposed to braces, is that no permanent devices are attached to your teeth; meaning that the Invisalign aligners can be removed so that you can enjoy eating, amongst other things. Being a clear aligner, it is almost invisible on your teeth when you wear them!
At Middleborough Dental, we offer:
- Free initial orthodontic consultation
- Fastest correction treatment possible
- Minimal discomfort on installation & repairs
- Stable treatment with minimal maintenance
- A range of options such as braces and Invisalign
Upon completion of the treatment, you should be able to enjoy a straight smile and a balanced occlusion. Book a free consultation today and get best orthodontic treatment in Burwood.